Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Money Game Book Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Money feisty Book Report - Essay ExampleI began considering to have a budget and decided to put off close to planned but unnecessary purchases. I just opened a savings account with a passbook dedicated for future investment. The course impact me and I would like to answer the questions below with how I understood the subject except on some occasions that it will be best for grounds to lift something from the book. I believe it will best serve the purpose of this course to use my own words as much as doable and also for my better understanding, to conceptualize my answers as I understood it. B. Questions for Book Report 1. why is the book called The Money Game? The book is called The Money Game because it teaches us to understand the dynamics of how to secure our future from a pragmatist perspective. When I said, pragmatist, it tackles the subject not merely from academic point view, but on its echt life application. Moreso, when it also presented the perspective of the both sides of the coin, the Wall Street view and the Main Street with the author being partial on us the consumers on how we could avoid the financial pitfalls and better secure our future by giving us a hindsight about the other side of the fence. The author has no seeming about the reality on how we should go about in handling our finances, especially in dealing with financial institutions inorder to be financially secured. In fact, a game plan was introduced called Big Dog Playbook II which details the play on we can better our financial position and get rid of debts. 2. Why do many Americans die before they ever have a chance to live? Many Americans die before they ever have a chance to live because they work all their lives and never had the chance to enjoy it. This is because of wrong mindset and priorities and being unprep bed for the financial uncertainties and old age. During the most fruitful part of their lives, they worked so hard to acquire the bling-blings or facade of s uccess and thus raising the standard of their lives but not the actual quality of their lives. They are so mired with work that they did not notice how good the rose smell. As they acquire, they fall to the trap of indulgence, living for today (and more oftentimes than not, beyond their means) and not preparing for tomorrow. Such that when financial uncertainty and/or hideaway come upon them, many of them are caught unprepared and had to continue working despite retirement age. 3. Who are the three main characters in the book and what impact do they have on your finances? The Invisible Man- The Invisible Man represents the unaccounted expenses that we dont usually notice because they are just small. But when they are totally accounted for, we will be surprise to learn how much they add up so quickly. The real danger about the Invisible Man is that we do not know that he is already taking toll on our resources. The Money giant star The Money Monster represents our tendency to con sume our endless wants that could never be satisfied. This Money Monster is insatiable and will continue to eat our resources no national how we much feed it. If we do not tame or put the Money on a diet, we will always be on disbursal binge without any savings with a mounting debt to surmount. The Precreditor- The Precreditor has a growing appetite for our money and will influence law to keep the gravy develop going. His hunger has manifested into hundreds of billions of dollars in opportunity cost for consumers

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