Wednesday, October 30, 2019

CONFLICT OF LAWS IN BUSINESS & COMMERCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

CONFLICT OF LAWS IN BUSINESS & COMMERCE - Essay Example This report will first provide a brief explanation of basic issues that arise in reference to the enforcement of foreign judgments in England and then apply them in the context of the four different instances where damages have been levied on Pulman Technics by foreign courts. A dispute over a foreign judgment may involve one of three elements (a) whether the Court which issued the judgment has the necessary jurisdiction (b) choice of law applicable in those judgments and (c) recognition and enforcement of judgments (Clarkson and Hill, 2007:131). Foreign judgments are recognized and given effect to by courts in other countries, because the recognition of foreign judgments is one of the essential elements of private international law on the basis of res judicata provisions. Through the application of the full faith and credit doctrine, courts do recognize the judgments delivered by other courts functioning within a competent jurisdiction. The Theory of obligation rests on the premise that if the original court’s assumption of jurisdiction was in order, then it should prima facie be recognizable in England.(Clarkson and Hill, 2007: 133) In the case of judgments that have been passed within countries that are a part of the Brussels Convention, such judgments would be enforceable in England, provided they are not repugnant to the principles of morality and fairness advocated under English law.In the case of foreign judgments passed in countries that are not a part of the Brussels Convention and where no reciprocal enforcement treaties exist, the action to enforce the judgment must be brought under common law rules. The matter of consent will be established if there is a contractual clause allowing jurisdiction to the foreign court, or if there is a voluntary appearance by the judgment-debtor. (Clarkson and Hill, 2007:136). A defendant must have been present in the foreign country where action is being brought against him or her and in the event,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Prison Term Policy Recommendation Essay Example for Free

Prison Term Policy Recommendation Essay As the criminologist advisor to a member of the Pennsylvania state legislature, I have been selected to conduct research for a bill that would double the maximum prison term for anyone convicted of armed robbery. The bill is popular however it is unknown if it will do much good. It is my job to make recommendations in regards to whether the bill being voted on will be beneficial to everyone in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The prison term policies are sentencing guidelines that are created by Congress and the State Legislature to provide judges with bases for sentencing those individuals found guilty of committing a crime to ensure that each person is treated equal without discrimination (sentencing guidelines, 2010). There are four offenses that make up what is known as violent crime which are murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. According to the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program a violent crime is any crime that involves force or threat of force to others (Department of Justice, 2006). Currently the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s prison terms for armed robbery are as follows: for the first offense of a violent crime a minimum of five years, for a second offense of a violent crime a minimum of 10 years, and for the third offense of a violent crime a minimum of 25 years total confinement or life imprisonment which is accordance with 42 Pa. C.S.  §9714 (Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing, 2008). Pennsylvania’s Uniform Crime Reporting tracks all forms of Robbery together. According to the Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Reporting System, in 2008 there were 18,751 reported robbery offenses which is equivalent to 51 per day or one every 28 minutes and 2 seconds (PA UCRS, 2008). These figures showed a decrease of 2.5% from 2007 which had 19,239 reported robberies (PA UCRS, 2008). Robbery made up 5.4% of the crime index and 37.2%  of the violent crime index in Pennsylvania in the year 2008 (PA UCRS, 2008). The reported robbery rates in Pennsylvania in 2008 were 150.6 per 100,000 inhabitants (PA UCRS, 2008). Recidivism is defined as a habitual relapse into crime, which is a problem that is faced within the criminal justice system. Pennsylvania tracks information on inmates released in order to find the recidivism rates. In 2002 Pennsylvania Department of Corrections released 1,711 inmates charged with robbery and within three years 46.6% returned to prison, which was a decline from 2000 when 1,776 inmates charged for robbery were released and 52.8% of the inmates returned within three years (PADOC, 2006). A study was conducted in Italy in 2006 when the Collective Clemency Bill set all inmates with less than three years remaining on their sentence free however if the inmates were convicted of another crime within the next five years, the remainder of their sentence would be added onto the new sentence. This allowed studies to be conducted to see if longer prison terms would deter criminals. Studies showed that increasing the sentence by 50% should reduce recidivism rates by about 35% in seven months (Crime/Punishment, 2010). With inmates comes a bill to cover the housing, feeding, and medical costs of each inmate. The cost to house a prisoner in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PADOC) is $ 69 per day (Barnes, 2010). In July 2010 the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections housed 51,281 inmates, at $69 per day that amounts to $3,538,389 per day or $1,291,151,985 per year (PADOC, 2010). There are multiple benefits of the bill being passed to double the maximum prison term for those convicted of armed robbery. The study that was conducted in Italy shows that longer prison sentences lowers the recidivism rates among offenders, which over time would reduce the population of the already over populated prisons. The criminals would be off the streets for a longer period of time preventing them from committing future crimes. Longer prison sentences could be a deterrent for some criminals. Robbery is one of the top two violent crimes committed in Pennsylvania and the longer sentence imposed on those criminals may lower the rate of armed robbery however it could cause an increase in other crimes. If the bill were passed and new prisons built to accommodate all inmates there would be more jobs available such as corrections officers, nurses, doctors, dentists, psychologists, and office personnel. These job openings would not only assist with job market, but also with having mo re  tax payers to assist with the money needed for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania budget. There are also multiple disadvantages to the bill being passed to double the maximum prison term for those convicted of armed robbery. Pennsylvania prisons are overpopulated as it is and by imposing longer sentences the problem is going to continue to get worse. As discussed earlier the prison population in June 2010 was 51,281 however the occupational bed capacity of the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections is only 43,872 (PADOC, 2010). The prisons are already operating at 116.9% of capacity and by passing this bill those rates are going to increase at a more rapid pace than they already are (PADOC, 2010). As discussed earlier the cost to house an inmate in Pennsylvania Department of Corrections is $69 per day which if this bill is passed a much larger budget is going to be required because inmates are going to be housed for a longer period of time. The need may arise for more prisons due to the longer prison terms which would require a much larger budget. With more prisons comes the need for more employees to operate those prisons which also is going to have an effect on the prison budget. Where is the money going to come from to meet the increase in the budget? The tax payers are the ones that are going to have to suffer to make the funding available for the prison system budget. Other crime rates may rise as a domino effect because criminals may turn to other crimes that are known to carry a lighter sentence if they are caught. If the bill is passed it is not required that judges sentence those convicted of the crime to the maximum sentence. Judges are required to look at mitigating and aggravating circumstances when sentencing individuals found guilty of committing crimes. Judges look at prior criminal history, personal life situation, was anyone hurt during the crime, or sometimes the remorse the person shows toward the crime they committed. This bill could be beneficial in the cases of habitual offenders because there would be stricter sentencing for the first offense rather than having to wait until the second or even third offense. As we all know with anything there is pros and cons. There appears to be more cons in this situation than there are pros which should make the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania legislature take a second look into whether or not passing this bill is going to be the most beneficial thing for the Commonwealth as a whole. I would find that it would not be beneficial to double the maximum sentence for those individuals  charged with committing armed robbery. The evidence shows that it would cost the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania more money to double the sentence for armed robbery. The evidence also proves that close to 50% of people convicted of armed robbery are going to reoffend which is going to bring them back to the criminal justice system and with one offense already committed they will receive a longer sentence the second time around. This also allows for those who are actually capable of being rehabilitated to have the chance to prove themselves without having to spend 10 years in pri son. References Barnes, T. (2010). Post-Gazette. Pa. sentencing guidelines eyed. Retrieved on August 31, 2010 from Crime/Punishment (2010). Do stiffer sentences act as a crime deterrent? Retrieved on August 31, 2010 from Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation (2006). Crime in the United States 2004. Violent Crime. Retrieved on August 31, 2010 from Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing (2008). Retrieved August 31, 2010 from Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (2010). Monthly population report June 2010. Retrieved on August 31, 2010 from Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (2006). Recidivism in Pennsylvania State Correctional Institutions 1999-2004. Retrieved on August 31, 2010 from Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Reporting System (2008). Annual Report Robbery. Retrieved on August 31, 2010 from Sentencing guidelines (2010). Retrieved August 30, 2010 from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Acid Rain :: Free Essay Writer

Acid Rain Acid rain is caused by extra amounts of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Natural sources of sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides do exist, but are balanced by nature. Normal rain reacts with alkaline chemicals from the region's bedrock that are in the air, soils, lakes, and streams. This neutralizes the rain. However, if rain is more highly acidic, then the natural neutralizing chemicals can eventually become depleted. This is what is happening with more than 90% of the sulphur and 95% of the nitrogen emissions coming from humans. Approximately 40% of the nitrogen oxides come from transportation, about 25% from thermoelectric generating stations, and the balance from other industrial, commercial, and residential combustion processes. These pollutants come from the use of coal in the production of electricity, from smelting, and from the internal combustion engines in most cars. Once released into the atmosphere, they are converted into such pollutants as nitric acid and sulfuric ac id, both dissolving easily in water. This results in acidic water droplets that can be carried by prevailing winds, returning to Earth as acid rain, snow, or fog. This effects the lakes by changing the pH balance. As the water pH approaches 6, crustaceans, insects, and plankton begin to disappear. When the pH is slightly above 5, major changes start to happen, less desirable species of mosses and plankton may begin to flourish, whereas others will lessen in numbers and die off. Below pH of 5, the water is to acidic for many fish, the bottom is covered with undecayed material, and the shores may be dominated by mosses. Animals also are affected. Some ducks, for example, depend on fish and other organisms for nourishment and nutrients. As these food sources are reduced or eliminated, the population in that area declines and the reproductive success of the birds is affected. Plants are effected too. The acids can alter the protective waxy surface of leaves, lowering disease resistance. It also may slow down or stop plant germination and reproduction. The acids will accelerate soil weathering and removal of nutrients, which the plant need. And it will make some metals more soluble, for example, aluminum will be come high in concentration in the soil and clog the roots of the plants, stopping the intake of vital nutrients.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These are all good reasons we must be looking for new means of energy, in the very near future.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My First Job and First Salary Essay

I had the best feeling of my life when i got my first job and that i put as my most happiest and memorable moment of my life. I do still remember the date and time. For a middle class family girl getting a job is a big thing in life. After i got my offer letter from the i called my MOM first and she was so happy with the news, that was the day when i made my parents proud. I was more happy and satisfied that day and feeling of joblessness and insecurity gone from my mind. Those days i was so doubtful regarding job since me and my classmates were struggling for job. Everyone of us were trying hard but Biotechnology jobs are comparatively lesser than IT jobs. From my childhood i was very passionate about lifescience { May be i was so poor in Maths that i didnt have any other choice } Then came my first day at office, It was really different feeling again. From college to company. In college we wont have much tensions or pressure or deadline and you are totally independent of your ways. But professional life was very different. It was more or work, meeting deadlines and continuous learning and implementing those. There was lot to learn in professional life. Though it took few weeks for me to get adjusted with company culture and learning the work i need to do and mingling with my colleagues, but it was good experience. then came a day for which all employee waits â€Å"The Salary Day†. My first salary.. Though i bought materialistic things for my family with mhy first salary but it was real satisfaction for me and for them too. I was then INDEPNDENT girl. Though it seem simple but these experience are great and memorable.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Andrew Jackson Campaign Speech of 1828 Essay

My fellow Americans, the upcoming national elections present a very important choice. We can forge a â€Å"true† representative democracy for the first time in history, and be led by our directly elected leaders. Or we can continue to live in an aristocratic republic run by over-educated elitists who are not beholden to the will of the people, but only to themselves. As you all know, three years ago I won the popular vote for President, but was denied the office because of a â€Å"corrupt bargain† between the dishonorable Henry Clay and President Adams. The people’s choice was disregarded by the elite in power. As a result, I immediately resigned from the Senate and returned to Tennessee, where the legislature immediately nominated me for President again. I have spent the last three years preparing to right this terrible wrong and take back the people’s power to choose their own leaders. My opponent Mr. Adams dismisses me as a â€Å"military chieftain. † I have fought two wars for this country, and I am proud of it. I think one of the most important qualifications a President should have is a military background. We were invaded by the British only 15 years ago. That enemy is still in the Canadas agitating Indians to attack us, and waiting for another chance to invade. We have foreign enemies at our every border. Don’t forget the Spanish forces just to the south in Florida, and Mexico to the west, and Indians constantly raiding settlements all along the frontiers. These foreign threats are many and dire, and we need a President who has the experience to defend our nation against them. There are threats to our nation from within as well. The Second National Bank is a threat to our economic well-being. President Adams and Vice-president Clay both support the bank claiming that it provides stability. I say it does great harm to the average American. It is a financial monopoly controlled by a few wealthy easterners. It controls the credit for the entire country, prints paper money of dubious worth, and it is just plain unconstitutional. Out west thousands of ordinary shop keepers, millers, farmers and other business owners cannot get the currency and the loans they need to run their concerns. How do you develop and grow the economy of a new state without currency, or worse yet, with paper currency of dubious worth? I say let us do away with all paper money, I do not trust it. Gold and Silver coin have intrinsic and eternal value, paper does not. We should also rely on our local and state banks, run by the people who live in and understand our communities, to control the currency needed for commerce, not some faceless, monopolistic national bank. Another threat from within are the abolitionists. They care about one issue only, and would tear the nation apart to get their way. Slavery is necessary to the economy of the south. If we outlaw it, we will make criminals of thousands of slave owners overnight, and collapse all of the southern states’ economies. How will southern families feed and clothe themselves without their labor force? I say let the people and their states decide this issue for themselves. Many northern states have already outlawed slavery, and one day the southern states may follow. You cannot force a cultural change like this on people; you must let them come to it in their own way and time. That is the nature of democracy. President Adams is afraid of internal threats as well. His biggest fear is YOU! The people of this nation, the ordinary citizens of the United States are the gravest threat he faces. Our President doesn’t trust us. To him, we are the unwashed, ignorant masses who, given the chance, would run the country into the ground. The president has stated many times that he believes his precious republic will soon â€Å"degenerate into democracy; that government of the people will become government by the people. † I say it’s about time. I say â€Å"we the people† built this nation. We have marched across the continent, scratching out a living, and burying our children along the way to do it. I say â€Å"we the people† understand better than anyone what it takes to make this nation grow and prosper. I trust the common people of this nation, because I am one of the common people. I am not yet another wealthy land owner from Virginia, nor am I an aristocratic lawyer from Massachusetts. I am a just an old Indian fighter from Tennessee. I believe â€Å"we the people† who have sacrificed the most for this great nation have earned the right to govern it. But I need your help to make this happen. Already, the new states are entering the union with few restrictions on the vote. This has caused many the old states to change their ways as well. Eighteen of our states now choose their electors by popular vote, while only six still allow the legislature to choose their representatives for them. I urge you all to go to the polls on Election Day. With this election we can finally take back power from the old aristocracy. We can establish the legitimacy of majority rule based upon direct voting for candidates by the electorate, and guarantee preservation of the Union, with states’ rights as the fundamental basis of American liberty. This is the dawn of a new day for democracy and modern American politics. Please vote on Election Day. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

All About Caesar essays

All About Caesar essays Julius Caesar was born on July 13, 100 BC, in Rome. Born in one of the well known and oldest families of Rome, the history of his family can be traced back to Aeneas, the mortal son of goddess Venus. Julius Caesar was named after Julius, the son of Aeneas. Son of rich parents, his upbringing was modest. Julius Caesar, unlike other boys of his time, knew no luxury like jewels, expensive clothing and exotic food. His education was also different from that of other boys of his time. Generally Roman boys were tutored by Greek slaves bought by their parents. However, Caesars father, Gaius Caesar and mother Aurelia wanted Caesar to be tutored by a freeman. Gnipho, a gentle scholar was appointed as his tutor. He was a Gaul. From him Caesar learnt Latin, Greek, history, literature and mathematics. He also learned the language and ways of the people of Gaul. The young Gaul Caesar did not know that he would one day conquer and make it a part of the great Roman empire. Caesar spent his days happily, studying and playing with his friend, Marcus Cicero. Three important events occurred in his life. When he was 14, his uncle, Marius appointed Caesar as priest of Jupiter and member of the Sacred College. Caesar was very happy but his joy was short lived. His uncle died suddenly and two years later Caesar lost his father. After his fathers death, Caesar found a companion in his mother Aurelia. She was a woman of great wisdom and strong character. She devoted herself to the upbringing and betterment of her child and watched his career grow with pride. Suddenly the peace was shattered and the rule of the Popular Party came to an end. Sulla and 40,000 troops landed at Brindisi located at the heel of the Italian boot on the Adriatic coast to march into Rome. He was determined to take revenge against the people and Popular Party for overthrowing his government. Sulla was victorious and entered Rome with his army, where he was proclai...

Monday, October 21, 2019

15 Classic Poems for the New Year

15 Classic Poems for the New Year The turning of the calendar from one year to the next has always been a time of reflection and hope. We spend the days  summing up past experiences, bidding farewell to those we have lost, renewing old friendships, making plans and resolutions, and expressing our hopes for the future. All of these are fit subjects for poems, like these classics on New Year’s themes. Robert Burns,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Song- Auld Lang Syne† (1788) It is a song that millions choose to sing every year as the clock strikes midnight and it is a timeless classic. Auld Lang Syne is both a song and a poem, after all, songs are poetry set to music, right? And yet, the tune we know today isnt quite the same thing that Robert Burns had in mind when he wrote it over two centuries ago. The melody has changed and a few of the words have been updated (and others have not) to meet modern tongues. For instance, in the last verse, Burns wrote: And there’s a hand, my trusty fere!And gie’s a hand o’ thine!And we’ll tak a right gude-willie waught, The modern version prefers: And thers a hand, my trusty friend,And gies a hand o thine;Well tak a cup o kindness yet, It is the phrase gude-willie waught that catches most people by surprise and its easy to see why many people choose to repeat cup o kindness yet. They do mean the same thing though, as gude-willie is Scottish adjective meaning  good-will  and  waught  means  hearty drink. Tip:  Ã‚  A common misconception is that  Sin is pronounced  zine  when really it is more like  sign. It means  since  and  auld lang syne  refers to something like old long since. Ella Wheeler Wilcox,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Year† (1910) If there is a New Years Eve poem worth putting to memory, it is Ella Wheeler Wilcoxs The Year. This short and rhythmical poem sums up everything we experience with the passing of each year and it rolls off the tongue when recited. What can be said in New Year rhymes,That’s not been said a thousand times?The new years come, the old years go,We know we dream, we dream we know.We rise up laughing with the light,We lie down weeping with the night.We hug the world until it stings,We curse it then and sigh for wings.We live, we love, we woo, we wed,We wreathe our brides, we sheet our dead.We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear,And that’s the burden of the year. If you get the opportunity, read Wilcoxs  Ã¢â‚¬Å"New Year: A Dialogue.† Written in  1909, it is a fantastic dialogue between Mortal and The New Year in which the latter knocks on the door with offers of good cheer, hope, success, health, and love. The reluctant and downcast mortal is finally lured in. It is a brilliant commentary on how the new year often revives us even though it is just another day on the calendar. Helen Hunt Jackson,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"New Year’s Morning† (1892) Along those same lines, Hellen Hunt Jacksons poem, New Years Morning discusses how its only one night and that each morning can be New Years. This is a fantastic piece of inspirational prose that ends with: Only a night from old to new;Only a sleep from night to morn.The new is but the old come true;Each sunrise sees a new year born. Alfred, Lord Tennyson,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Death of the Old Year† (1842) Poets often relate the old year with drudgery and sorrow and the new year with hope and lifted spirits. Alfred, Lord Tennyson did not shy away from these thoughts and the title of his poem, The Death of the Old Year captures the sentiment of the verses perfectly. In this classic poem, Tennyson spends the first four verses lamenting the years passing as if it were an old and dear friend on his death bed. The first stanza ends with four poignant lines: Old year you must not die;You came to us so readily,You lived with us so steadily,Old year you shall not die. As the verses move on, he counts down the hours: ’ Tis nearly twelve o’clock. Shake hands, before you die. Eventually, a new face is at his door and the narrator must Step from the corpse, and let him in. Tennyson addresses the new year in  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ring Out, Wild Bells† (from In Memoriam A.H.H., 1849) as well. In this poem, he pleads with the wild bells to Ring out the grief, dying, pride, spite, and many more distasteful traits. As he does this, he asks the bells to ring in the good, the peace, the noble, and the true. More New Years Poetry Death, life, sadness, and hope; poets in the 19th and 20th centuries took these New Years themes to great extremes as they wrote. Some took an optimistic view while, for others, it seems to have only led to despair. As you explore this theme, be sure to read these classic poems and study some of the context of the poets lives as the influence is often very profound in understanding. William Cullen Bryant,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"A Song for New Year’s Eve† (1859) - Bryant reminds us that the old year is not yet gone and that we should enjoy it to the last second. Many people take this as a great reminder for life in general. Emily Dickinson,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"One Year ago - jots what?† (#296) - The new year makes many people look back and reflect. While not specifically about New Years Day, this brilliant poem is wildly introspective. The poet wrote it on the anniversary of her fathers death and her writing seems so jumbled, so distraught that it moves the reader. No matter your anniversary - death, loss... whatever - you have likely felt the same as Dickinson at one time. Christina Rossetti,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Old and New Year Ditties† (1862) - The Victorian poet could be quite morbid and, surprisingly, this poem from the collection Goblin Market and Other Poems is one of her brighter works. It is very Biblical and offers hope and fulfillment. Also Recommended Francis Thompson,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"New Year’s Chimes† (1897)Thomas Hardy,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Darkling Thrush† (composed December 31, 1900, published 1902)Thomas Hardy,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"New Year’s Eve† (1906)D.H. Lawrence,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"New Year’s Eve† (1917) and  Ã¢â‚¬Å"New Year’s Night† (1917)John Clare,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Old Year† (1920)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sociologists Take Historic Stand on Racism and Police Brutality

Sociologists Take Historic Stand on Racism and Police Brutality The 2014 annual meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) took place in San Francisco on the heels of the killing of unarmed black teen, Michael Brown, at the hands of a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. It also happened during a community uprising shrouded in police brutality, so many sociologists in attendance had the national crises of police brutality and racism on their minds. The ASA, however, created no official space for discussion of these issues, nor had the 109-year-old organization made any kind of public statement on them, despite the fact that the amount of published sociological research on these issues could fill a library. Frustrated by this lack of action and dialog, some attendees created a grassroots discussion group and task force to address these crises. Neda Maghbouleh, Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Toronto-Scarborough, was one of those who took the lead. Explaining why, she said, â€Å"We had a critical mass of thousands of trained sociologists within two blocks of each other at ASA- equipped to marshal history, theory, data, and hard facts toward a social crisis like Ferguson. So ten of us, complete strangers, met for thirty minutes in a hotel lobby to hash out a plan to get as many concerned sociologists as possible to contribute to, edit, and sign a document. I was committed to helping in any way possible because it’s moments like these that affirm the value of social science for society.† The document† Dr. Maghbouleh refers to is an open letter to U.S. society at-large, that was signed by over 1,800 sociologists, this author among them. The letter began by pointing out that what transpired in Ferguson was born of â€Å"deeply ingrained racial, political, social and economic inequities,† and then specifically named the conduct of policing, especially in black communities and in the context of protest, as a serious social problem. The authors and signatories  implored â€Å"law enforcement, policymakers, media, and the nation to consider decades of sociological analysis and research that can inform the necessary conversations and solutions required to address the systemic issues that the events in Ferguson have raised.† The authors pointed out that much sociological research has already established the existence of society-wide problems present in the case of Ferguson, like â€Å"a pattern of racialized policing,† historically rooted â€Å"institutionalized racism within police departments and the criminal justice system more broadly,†Ã‚  the â€Å"hyper-surveillance of black and brown youth,† and the disproportionate targeting and disrespectful treatment of black men and women by police.  These troubling phenomena foster  suspicion about people of color, create an environment in which it is impossible for people of color to trust police, which in turn undermines the ability of police to do their job: serve and protect. The authors wrote, â€Å"Instead of feeling protected by police, many African Americans are intimidated and live in daily fear that their children will face abuse, arrest, and death at the hands of police officers who may be acting on implicit biases or institutional policies based on stereotypes and assumptions of black criminality.† They then  explained that brutal police treatment of protestors is â€Å"rooted in the history of repression of African American protest movements and attitudes about blacks that often drive contemporary police practices.† In response, sociologists called for â€Å"greater attention to the conditions (e.g., joblessness and political disenfranchisement) that have contributed to the marginalization of residents† of Ferguson and other communities, and explained that â€Å"focused and sustained government and community attention on these issues is required to bring about healing and a change in the economic and political structures that have thus far ignored and left many in such areas vulnerable to police abuse.† The letter concluded with a list of demands required for â€Å"an appropriate response to the death of Michael Brown,† and to address the larger, nation-wide issue of racist police policies and practices: Immediate assurance from law enforcement authorities in Missouri and the federal government that constitutional rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of the press will be protected.A civil rights investigation into the incidents related to the death of Michael Brown and general police practices in Ferguson.The establishment of an independent committee to study and analyze the failures of the policing efforts during the week following Michael Brown’s death. Ferguson residents, including leaders of grassroots organizations, should be included on the committee throughout this process. The committee must provide a clear roadmap for resetting community-police relations in a way that grants oversight power to residents.An independent comprehensive national study of the role of implicit bias and systemic racism in policing. Federal funding should be allocated to support police departments in implementing the recommendations from the study and ongoing monitoring and public reporting of key benchmarks (e.g., use of force, arrests by race) and improvements in police practices. Legislation requiring the use of dash and body-worn cameras to record all police interactions. Data from these devices should be immediately stored in tamper-proof databases, and there should be clear procedures for public access to any such recordings.Increased transparency of public law enforcement, including independent oversight agencies with guaranteed full access to law enforcement policies and on-the-ground operations; and more streamlined, transparent and efficient procedures for the processing of complaints and FOIA requests.Federal legislation, currently being developed by Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), to halt the transfer of military equipment to local police departments, and additional legislation to curtail the use of such equipment against domestic civilian populations.Establishment of a ‘Ferguson Fund’ that will support long term strategies grounded in the principles of social justice, systems reform and racial equity to bring about substantial and sustained c hange in Ferguson and other communities facing similar challenges. To learn more about the underlying issues of systemic racism and police brutality, check out The Ferguson Syllabus compiled by  Sociologists for Justice. Many of the readings included are available online.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Leisure and Pleasure Source Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leisure and Pleasure Source Analysis - Essay Example The main difference may be in the level of advancement of the medium; newspaper. In this discourse, an analysis of a sample newspaper excerpt published in 1971 is performed to illustrate some of the differences and similarities. Newspaper adverts in London in 1741 must have been a very important medium for channelling particularly commercial information to the customers. There was a strict control that the authorities in London used to prevent spread of dangerous information. One of the control measures, as seen on the left top corner, is the demand that legal endorsement of a circulating newspaper in form of an official stamp must have authenticated its publication and circulation (Hundt 2000, p332). According to the author, illegal newspapers production had to cleverly look for alternative distribution channels. A major way that assisted their penetration of the market was through backstreet sales through the help of hawkers. One characteristic of these illegal newspapers was an attractive and catchy design and presentation that included graphics and illustrations. Advancements to these market penetration wars attracted use of more catchy images and pictures on advertisements in order to keep in touch wit h the competition. It follows that there was an important group of people whose leisure activities must have been met thereby opening an opportunity for newspaper publishing to thrive. The first advert on Hay Market is particularly short and to the point, which illustrates the observation of strict regulation. In the advert, the title and emphasis words are on different font that creates the stress impact which catches the eye of the reader. The second advert on Drury-lane and Le Genereux Corsaire likewise avoid the use of bulk wording but captures the intended emphasis through case variation on various words. Short forms such as call’d, arriv’d, ‘tis and bop’d are applied in the adverts to

Pediatric Nurse Population for ADHD Education Essay

Pediatric Nurse Population for ADHD Education - Essay Example Medications used in children should be of even greater interest due to the inability to monitor the effects of adverse reactions by objective methods. Nurses play a key role in the management of children with ADHD. This disorder may persist even to adult stages. The diagnosis of ADHD requires careful history taking ,use of standardized rating scales ,and close attention to patients behavior and informants reports. Statistics show that in order to fit in the field of nursing and favorably attend the ADHD patients especially the 6-18 age group, a nurse should be compassionate, and committed to help people. Skills, knowledge and competence are a major factor of requirement in the nursing career. Different ADHD patients will react differently to the particular drug regime .This is due to their different individual genetic system which stimulates enzymatic reactions. Nurses ought to understand this aspect in order to attend the affected effectively. Primary care should be an opportune location for close monitoring of individual reactions to drugs. Systematic follow-up is essential to monitor side effects, target outcomes and gather information from parents, teachers and the child. Yearwood, E. (2012). Child and adolescent behavioral health: a resource for advanced practice psychiatric and primary care practitioners in nursing. Wiley- Blackwell. ï‚ · Ryan-Krause, P. (2011, January - February). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Part III; Journal of Pediatric Health Care. V 25, pp

Friday, October 18, 2019

Term paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Term Paper Example Next, the paper briefly discusses Rome’s founding and the Emperor Octavian’s accomplishments. The Romans were threatened by the Celts led by Charlemagne the great, whose reign coincided with the Carolingian renaissance. From the Celts, we jump to the Americans who have gone through the declaration of independence, a civil war, end of slavery, women suffrage, and the civil rights movement. Finally, there is a comparison of three major religions in Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Mesopotamia is considered to be the birthplace of many things because it is the civilization’s birthplace. It was in Mesopotamia that the first cities were built. The first utilization of writing was also in Mesopotamia, as well as the first use of state control with state-funded projects, such as infrastructure and irrigation systems. It was also the first civilization to divide the state into provinces helmed by governors, as well as the first civilization to introduce laws and government (Braudel, 2009). Sargon was a conqueror and the emperor who came to power in Kish around 2270 BC, reigning for fifty-five years. During his reign, he fought a series of major battles that saw him conquer surrounding city-states. Eventually, he ruled over all of Mesopotamia in the region of the Fertile Crescent. Sargon is considered to be the stylistic and political forbear of the Babylonian and Assyrian kings that ruled over the succeeding 2000 years. Both characters in the epic of Gilgamesh and the Christian mythos were depicted as semi-divine and had reputable wisdom. Both characters are also endowed with superhuman power, with both stories leading to dramatic conclusions where the heroes have their hopes dashed. The Akkad was the city that the Akkadian empire centered on, including the surrounding Mesopotamian region. It was important because it was the first city to be fed by

Compare and Contrast an Agency Protest to a General Accounting Office Research Paper - 1

Compare and Contrast an Agency Protest to a General Accounting Office (GAO) protest - Research Paper Example This include establishment of mechanisms through which offerors can question the officials in charge of the procurement procedures in the government departments. In case the procuring agencies are not compliant with the law and regulations governing the procurement process, the aggrieved parties undertake the bid protest. The major forms of federal bid protest include an agency-level protest, protest through the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the jurisdiction through United States Court of Federal Claims (COFC) (GAO-03-673G Government Auditing Standards, 2012). This paper seeks to compare and contrast an Agency Protest to a General Accounting Office (GAO) Protest. Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) 33.103 gives the guidelines that must be followed by the agencies during addressing of the protests generated by the offerors. Having being established by the Executive Order 12979, agency protest stipulates that all the concerned parties must take all the necessary steps to ensure that the conflict is solved in an amicable way. Even though the government has clearly outlined the regulations that control the agency protests, most of the agencies complement the FAR provisions by initiating their own regulations that are not favorable to the offerors. A protest is initiated by an interested party. An interested party is the individual whose economic interest would be adversely affected by the failure to win a contract or through the award of the contact (Robert, 2012). This is one of the major aspects that are common both to agency and GAO protests. There is no jurisdiction on the protests that an agency can handle, since it has the authority to d eal with all the protests that are related to its contracts. However, according to Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act, a protest that is related to delivery order contracts or issuance of task that can be given to various

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Sale of Human Organs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Sale of Human Organs - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that Legalisation of the sale of human organs may seem absurd and weird to some people based on their own different ideologies. However, to some people, it seems very find and they find no problem with it. This is what has therefore brought a huge controversy on the issue of selling human organs. Satz states that arguments have been raised so far to justify the two sides but it is not clear what stand should prevail. What can be traced from history is that all people find the donation of human organs to be something divine but on the contrary, find the sale of human organs to be a sinful act. In regards to this controversy, there are, however, plenty of arguments to justify the sale of human organs. These arguments, by all means, try to reveal the need and advantage of permitting people to make the sale of their organs in open markets without any questioning or any restriction of any kind at all. As much as most countries may hold their law s on the illegality of selling human organs, the laws have no power at all given the fact that people have the free will to make a sale on their sperms and reproductive eggs. Sperms and reproductive female eggs are parts of a human body too and people are allowed to sell them. Hughes argues that there must be no reason to forbid people from selling other organs of their body like liver and kidney. After all, for any human being to decide to sell their organs, it must be out of their own free will and consent.

Goals and Objectives of Advertising Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Goals and Objectives of Advertising - Term Paper Example It is aimed at enlightening a large population at once within a stipulated amount of time and have positive impacts as the end results on the objective for which the advertisement was made in the first place, hence supplementing the role of sales representatives. An advertising organization as defined by the American Association, on the other hand, is an independent organization that specializes in developing people or business people who specialize in developing advertisement plans, advertisements, and other promotional tools (Johnson & Lee, 2005). In America the advertisement agencies field have developed gradually since its inception in the 1800s when advertising became a tool for organizations in the USA. Most effectively though in the 1860s with independent advertising agents present in the 1840s and 1850s. Free agents conducted advertisements in the 1840s who acted to advantage merchants, wholesalers and even manufacturers in their quest to reach larger consumer market both geographically and even nationwide. These agents were categorized as free agents who did more of freelancing advertisements the merchants or authorized agent who were acting on behalf of companies or organization with their full authority and support (Presbrey, 1968). They could not be relied upon though to relay the correct message as was required by the organizations they represented. Improvements were therefore necessary with the growth of the American economy and at a very fast rate. Advertisement developed from the 1840s agents to a situation whereby newspaper publishers then began to sell space for advertisement purposes to different advertiser for their advertisements, this being referred to as space jobbing (Presbrey, 1968). Â  All these however would come to change with the ingenious ideas and mind of one Volney B. Palmer, revolutionize business in the United States when he founded the nation’s first advertising agency in Philadelphia in 1841 (Crouse, 2010). He pioneered the formation of advertisement agencies and went on to engineer changes through the advertisement industry with actions like providing a level business field for every participant within the industry.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Sale of Human Organs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Sale of Human Organs - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that Legalisation of the sale of human organs may seem absurd and weird to some people based on their own different ideologies. However, to some people, it seems very find and they find no problem with it. This is what has therefore brought a huge controversy on the issue of selling human organs. Satz states that arguments have been raised so far to justify the two sides but it is not clear what stand should prevail. What can be traced from history is that all people find the donation of human organs to be something divine but on the contrary, find the sale of human organs to be a sinful act. In regards to this controversy, there are, however, plenty of arguments to justify the sale of human organs. These arguments, by all means, try to reveal the need and advantage of permitting people to make the sale of their organs in open markets without any questioning or any restriction of any kind at all. As much as most countries may hold their law s on the illegality of selling human organs, the laws have no power at all given the fact that people have the free will to make a sale on their sperms and reproductive eggs. Sperms and reproductive female eggs are parts of a human body too and people are allowed to sell them. Hughes argues that there must be no reason to forbid people from selling other organs of their body like liver and kidney. After all, for any human being to decide to sell their organs, it must be out of their own free will and consent.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

750 to 800 Word Limit Final Assessment Paper to be done in APA format Essay

750 to 800 Word Limit Final Assessment Paper to be done in APA format - Essay Example Their duties include the safeguarding of the university charter; the implementation of performance evaluations; budget allocation and fundraising; the election or appointment of the university president; and the performance assessment and monitoring of the president. President/Chancellor – The University President generally ensures that the university is run properly and that the university’s standards are maintained and sustained; provides overall leadership to the university and its academic and non-academic departments; acts as the mediator between the board and the university administration; and is responsible for the public image of the university (Puss and Loss, 2009). Provost – Also called the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the provost is in charge of everything that relates to academics and student affairs like performance evaluations of professors and students and student disciplinary measures; ensures that the curriculum of every course is complete; works closely with the president; recommends curriculum changes and additions; and acts as the mediator between the academic community within the university and the administrative bodies (Puss and Loss, 2009; Lombardi, et al., 2002). Executive Vice Presidents/Vice Presidents – The various administrative duties of specific departments rest on the shoulders of the university’s vice presidents. They work in close contact with the provost and the president in order to discuss and resolve issues, like finance. Heads of Colleges – The heads of these various schools and colleges are responsible for ensuring the stability and he smooth running of operations in the specific college he or she is assigned to. These academic heads report to the provost to make recommendations on positive changes, as well as resolve issues within their respective colleges. Academic Deans – Academic

Monday, October 14, 2019

Piece on The lake Essay Example for Free

Piece on The lake Essay My head rested peacefully against the bark of the willow tree, my back floated on a bed of grass and my feet were gliding in the calm water of the lake, occasionally being nibbled by various fish. It was the perfect atmosphere to have a little nap; however I knew that if I fell asleep I would regret getting to admire the lakes precious beauty on this spectacular day. The sky was as clear as sapphire, the sun was a rosy apricot colour and was surrounded by pillows of clouds and somehow my imagination managed to convince me that there were little angels dancing and prancing above them. The sky looked even more radiant in the lakes refection; it added a glittery appeal to it, magical. I gazed wondrously towards the other side of the lake where the troop of trees stood, practically hugging each other. I enjoyed watching the giant trees sway with each other as if they were moving towards natures music. On my side of the lake, there was a choir of frogs chattering and birds chirping. I sang a little melody too, but the frogs and birds suddenly stopped, they must have disliked my tune. As I was about to rest my eyes a little, nature woke me up. The calming breeze tickled my ear lobes and I could faintly hear it whispering secrets to me. Every time the wind passed by, it left behind a scent of maple and berries so strong that it made my nose twitch. It smelt heavenly organic yet delightfully tasty. When I took a careful look at the lake, it looked similar to a heart shape; just one side was slightly bigger. The colour of the water was like an innocent girls eyes, so pure. It was a dark turquoise and if you looked  carefully you could see the luminous scales of various fish. Every now and then a heard of teeny tiny jump fish would be racing across the glowing surface of the lake as if they were being chased by the police. The lake was indescribably beautiful as it was but looking at what was on land around it was just the icing on top of the cake. Flowers bloomed as if they were living the last day of their life; bees flew as if there was no hurry; dears drank water as if there were no predators and birds sang as if they were in a symphony. The wind softly whispers through the trees as I rest on the soft green bed beneath me, peaceful feelings overtake me and my spirits seem to soar from within just like the birds circling above me.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Counter Strike Essay -- Video Game

In 1997, a group of college kids gave birth to something that would become a world renowned phenomenon, Counter-Strike. Counter-Strike is an online, team based, first person shooter. In this game, the two teams (terrorists and counter-terrorists) face off against one another using various team-specific weapons and attempt to gain victory by completing team specific objectives. The counter-terrorists must rescue hostages, protect V.I.P.’s, and protect bomb sites from the terrorists. While the terrorists must prevent the rescuing of hostages, assassinate V.I.P.’s, and destroy bomb sites. Counter-strike is host to a large variety of real weapons that are being used in similar situations today, spooky eh? Each player in the game has their own budget and may buy weapons, ammunition and equipment (such as Kevlar armor and grenades). Players earn money for by completing their specific objectives and by defeating opponents. There are five categories of primary weapons for players to choose from, shotguns, sub-machine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, and machine guns. Each of these categories has it’s own strengths and weaknesses and a player’s choice can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Shotguns are extremely powerful short ranged weapons. There are two shotguns to choose from in counter-strike, the M3 Super pump shotgun, and the Bennelli XM automatic shotgun. Both of these weapons are used best during close ranged combat, even though there has been some success using them during medium ranged situations. Shotguns are extremely powerful and are loaded with a deadly 12 gauge shell that can drop and opponent in two shots or less. The pump shotgun’s fire rate is significantly less than the automatic sho... ...rly quickly, and with such a large magazine, the Para is very a very deadly weapon. This weapon can be fired fully automatic, however inaccurate, it provides a very effective suppression fire, for improves accuracy, burst fire is recommended. As one can see, the player has a number of choices when they are selecting their primary weapon in the game counter-strike. All of the weapon classes are good for something different and outperform all the rest in their own fields. Shotguns for close quarters combat. Sub-machine guns for short ranges ranged dominance. Assault rifles for medium and long ranged conflict and taking down armored targets. Sniper rifles for extreme ranged engagements. And machine guns for excellent support and suppression fire. Each player makes a different choice and wields each weapon differently, keeping counter-strike full of surprises.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Speech Recognition -- Language

Speech recognition is the process by which the computer uses special software that enables the computer to take in what is said by a specific human or humans and be able to translate it in computer language so that the computer could now act on the instructions given to it. Just like clicking with your mouse, typing on your keyboard, or pressing a key on the phone keypad provides input to an application, speech recognition allows you to provide input by talking. Speech is basically just another user interface, an input method, like using a mouse or a keyboard. According to Webster Speech recognition is simply, it â€Å"converts spoken words to text†. If you are not familiar with the term speech recognition it goes by other terms such as automatic speech recognition, computer speech recognition and speech to text. Speech recognition works like this, first you speak into a microphone that is connected to a computer with the speak recognition program running. Some speech recognit ion software’s just to name a few are VoiceAttack (used in gaming), Trigamtech(features for medical users) and WRSToolkit(for dictionary and grammar). While saying what you would like the computer to do for you, as you speak you would see the words as you say them pop up on your screen. Information that I came upon while doing my research stated that â€Å"You can speak at your normal speaking speed (about 120 words per minute) and the computer "guesses" using mathematical algorithms what word you mean in that context from what it knows about the English language.† Using speech recognition programs on computers are not going to give you for certain the exact information that you asked for but it works and tries to understand what it has been told and in the end gives y... ...s by authenticating an individual by the sound of his or her voice† and â€Å"Mobile work force increasingly, speech recognition tools are being used to provide mobile work forces with hands-free access to corporate communications tools, such as voice mail, email and corporate directories†. Advantages of speech recognition are that it will revolutionize the way people conduct business over the web and will, ultimately, differentiate world-class e-businesses. These solutions can greatly expand the accessibility of Web-based self-service transactions to customers who would otherwise not have access. Sources 1) 2) 3) 4)

Friday, October 11, 2019

Censorship in Comic Books Essay

In an age of video-game violence and the nearly-anything-goes Internet, it’s instructive to read that once upon a time, not that long ago, Congress was  concerned about what was widely viewed as a serious menace to American youth: comic books. David Hajdu’s The Ten-Cent Plague is both cultural history and cautionary tale about censorship. It’s a well-written, detailed look at how comic books became a phenomenon in the early 1950s and how authorities cracked down on the most popular form of entertainment in America. At the time, comics were selling more than 80 million copies a week. But unlike movies and the new TV industry, they were unregulated — at least for a while. Their content was shifting from the noble exploits of superheroes to edgier and darker material: stories of crime, vice, lust and horror. Congress held televised hearings on what was described as the link between comics and juvenile delinquency. Bill Gaines, publisher of EC Comics, was high on amphetamines as he haplessly tried to explain how an illustration of a man holding a severed head could be in â€Å"good taste.† States and cities passed laws to ban or limit sales. Schools urged students to bring their comics to school to be burned in celebratory bonfires. In 1954, comic-book publishers adopted a code that banned the words â€Å"terror† and â€Å"horror† and declared that â€Å"policemen, judges, government officials and respected institutions shall never be presented in such a way as to create disrespect for established authority.† The author, a critic for The New Republic, is sympathetic to the artists and writers caught up in â€Å"the hysteria over comic books.† His research is impressive. His appendix lists 15 pages of names of those â€Å"who never again worked in comics after the purge of the 1950s.† Gaines, who had such a disastrous time at the congressional hearings, had the last laugh. To avoid censorship of the code, he converted one of his comics into a magazine format. Mad became the most popular and satirical youth magazine of the ’60s and ’70s. (c) USA TODAY, 2008 Source: USA Today, MAR 20, 2008 Item: J0E400932994108

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Bullying Speech Essay

Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever cry yourself to sleep every night just because you don’t want to go to school the next day? Have you almost risk your own life just because you don’t want to live anymore? From the different experiences I had encountered and listened to, being bullied by the people around you really change one’s lifestyle and perception in life. Bullying is an unwanted, aggressive behaviour among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. Close to half of all the children will experience school bullying at some point while they are at primary or secondary school or sometimes even if they are already adult and at work. Like my cousin who is now a sophomore high school student, he has been bullied nonstop for almost two years. He was teased by his classmate s because of his dumbness and quietness in class. Once, his classmates had punched him because he doesn’t want to give his allowance to them. Parents should always check their child because more than 20% of children who are repeatedly bullied end up in jail. According to Doc Ryan of Cyber Bullying Seminars (2009), bullying has several forms. These are physical, verbal, social, psychological and cyber. Physical bullying is when a person (or group of people) uses physical actions to bully someone; such as hitting, poking, tripping or pushing and repeatedly and intentionally damaging someone’s belongings. Verbal bullying is the repeated or systematic name calling, insults, homophobic or racist remark and verbal cause. Social bullying is indirect actions, such as lying about someone, spreading rumors, playing a nasty joke that make the person feel humiliated or powerless, and mimicking or deliberately excluding someone. Psychological bullying is threatening, manipulating or stalking someone. And cyber bullying is a method of bullying that uses technology. There are many factors that motivate bullying behavior. Bullies want to feel powerful by insulting or mocking someone. They want to have the attention their families did not give them. They want to be aggressive. Bullies pick on the people they think don’t fit in, maybe because of how they look, how they act (for example,  kids who are shy and withdrawn), their race or religion, or because the bullies think their target may be gay or lesbian. The bullies also have psychological problem of their own. They don’t bully other person just to act cool. They were attention seeking individuals who wanted to be noticed and to be noted as superior in their community. One of the most painful aspects of bullying is that it is relentless. Most people can take one episode of teasing or name calling or being shunned at the mall. However, when it goes on and on, bullying can put a person in a state of constant fear. Studies show that people who are abused by their peers are at risk for mental health problems, such as low self-esteem, stress, depression, or anxiety. They may also think about suicide more. There are many ways to overcome bullying. 1. Practice confidence. Practice ways to respond to the bully verbally or through your behavior. Practice feeling good about yourself (even if you have to fake it at first). 2. Ignore the bully and walk away. It’s definitely not a coward’s response — sometimes it can be harder than losing your temper. Bullies thrive on the reaction they get, and if you walk away or ignore hurtful emails or instant messages, you’re telling the bully that you just don’t care. 3. Seek guidance or ask for help when you or someone is bullied. It may help to talk to a guidance counselor, teacher, or friend — anyone who can give you the support you need. Talking can be a good outlet for the fears and frustrations that can build when you’re being bullied. 4. Take charge of your life. You can’t control other people’s actions, but you can stay true to yourself. Think about ways to feel your best — and your strongest. To sum up everything, bullying is an abuse of your human rights. It is a serious problem with serious mental and physical impacts. It can affect you at home, school, and work, in your social life and in your ability to feel happy, healthy and secure. It is a parasitical exchange, where one person gains a benefit from hurting another. Standing up to bullies doesn’t mean you have to have a physical fight with them. Most of the time, you don’t have to fight. There are almost always more effective ways to deal with bullies — ways that are better for you. Don’t ever forget that everyone has  the right to feel safe and happy. Today’s problem isn’t so much the bullying itself – bullying has been around for centuries. The problem is that it is difficult to escape from its cruelty. Despite campaigning, bullying itself won’t become extinct, but the safety felt by victims can be increased.

Information Businness Essay

1. What management, organization, and technology factors were behind the Cincinnati Zoo losing opportunities to increase revenue Three main reasons why investments in information technology do not always produce positive results – Information quality which mean High-quality decisions require high-quality information – Management filters which mean Managers have selective attention and have variety of biases that reject information that does not conform to prior conceptions – Organizational inertia and politics which meStrong forces within organizations resist making decisions calling for major change 2. Why was replacing legacy point-of-sale systems and implementing a data warehouse essential to an information system solution? High-velocity automated decision making Made possible through computer algorithms precisely defining steps for a highly structured decision Humans taken out of decision For example: High-speed computer trading programs i. Trades executed in 30 milliseconds ii. Responsible for â€Å"Flash Crash† of 2010 Require safeguards to ensure proper operation and regulation 3. How did the Cincinnati Zoo benefit from business intelligence? How did it enhance operational performance and decision making? What role was played by predictive analytics? Business intelligence Infrastructure for collecting, storing, analyzing data produced by business Databases, data warehouses, data marts High-velocity automated decision making Made possible through computer algorithms precisely defining steps for a highly structured decision Information systems can only assist in some of the roles played by managers 4. Visit the IBM Cognos Web site and describe the business intelligence tools that would be the most useful for the Cincinnati Zoo. introduces the concept of business intelligence and analytics. The text gives the example of Hallmark Cards, which uses SAS analytics software to analyze buying patterns and determine the most effective marketing plan for different types of customers. For example, which customers would respond best to direct mail or e-mail, and to what types of messages. It is important to understand that business intelligence and business analytics are products defined by hardware and software vendors. This is also one of the fastest growing segments in the U.S. software

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

British petrolioum case study for corporate goverance & ethics course

British petrolioum for corporate goverance & ethics course - Case Study Example (BP) has approximately 80,000 workers and produces roughly 3.8 million barrels of natural gas as well as crude oil, with revenue of around 386 billion. This attests that indeed the BP is one of the largest multinational corporations. However, it is not a stranger to some of the environmental hazards and over the past years, it has found itself in various unethical cases and decisions that have damaged its reputation (Warren, 2012). The goal of any organisation is to maximise profits and its activities ought to be accepted by the society. However, some firms focus on making profits without caring about the interest of the society; hence, resulting to the businesses making ethical dilemmas. The British Petroleum has been involved in various scandals such as the 2005 explosion, which has had a major impact on the stakeholders and has raised important corporate social responsibility questions. The BP has various ethical obligations such as ensuring that they provide the consumers with the right products, conducting honest transactions with the suppliers, guaranteeing safety, and complying with the stipulated environmental laws among others (Mauer & Tinsley, 2010). However, following its unethical practices, it has failed to live up to its expectations. Therefore, it is imperative to deliberate on some of the scandals that it has been involved in and their impact. The BP has faced difficult decisions in the past that has damaged its reputation. The company had a social responsibility towards the society but because of its unregulated safety measures, it failed. It is obvious that it took decisions and risks that were not socially reasonable and its culture of safety was compromised and focused more on maximising profits rather than caring about the wellbeing of the people. It also came up with unreasonable measures to ensure safety such as cutting on the costs and failing to invest; hence, leading to grave safety issues (Richard Ivey School of Business, 2008). This

Monday, October 7, 2019

Students' Rights to Their Own Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Students' Rights to Their Own Language - Essay Example Considering America is an English-speaking nation, the language of teaching, writing and giving any education instruction is preferably English. Immigrant Parents advocate for their children to learn the English language because it is the language of opportunities in America, where they reside (Goode Web). They argue that teaching the students in their native languages will jeopardize the student’s chances in the job market where the English language is dominant. This notion is however, facing criticism with some parties arguing that students should reserve the right to their own patterns and varieties of language while writing their academic work. Therefore, there have been arguments and counter arguments for and against the policy statement adopted by the National Council of Teachers of English in 1974, Students Right to Their Own Language. This paper briefly discusses pros and cons of National Council of Teachers of English policy on language and then supports the statement . The use of one’s language in communication is a complicated phenomenon. The way we speak and the way we write our academic works is largely different. In recent times, uniformity manifests between the two although much success is in the offing in accommodating communication in diverse dialects as proposed in the statement. The use of the written English faces criticism from the inclusive American minorities who have proposed a shift from this norm. A dialect is a language used by a defined group of people. The diversity in dialects is because of different age or educational groups that people belong (CCCC 5). As such, most speakers profess more than one dialect, which pose a great challenge to America’s education sector. Since a dialect closely relates to a culture, accepting a new dialect is like accepting a new culture and the reverse is true. Thus, switching a dialect is a complicated issue. A rejection of any dialect in favor of the American dialect is an act of discrimination and exertion of dominance over less prevalent dialects. Indeed, the success of any speaker cannot be defined by dialect. Undeniably, the right to student’s native dialects deserves respect. Additionally, as individuals tend to maturity, they incline to their language patterns, which are difficult to change (CCCC 7). In fact, the idea of forcing an adolescent to learn the Standard English dialect is a hard assignment that might work against them while competing with students who are naturally fluent in the English language. For the purposes of fairness, the students should use their own dialect in academic work. Similarly, no dialect is good to dismiss others in general use. Therefore, the plural student society will require multiple languages to address the education curriculum needs. Another challenge that resides in the Edited American English (EAE) is the ability to write. The EAE requires a lot of precision in writing, spelling, punctuations, and interpreta tion. It warrants competence to learn how to speak and write a different dialect fluently. Hence, students should use the dialect they are fluent in speaking, writting, and interpreting in their academic work. Additionally, the dialect that students use in reading does not affect the interpreted meaning of any piece of an academic work since reading involves decoding the meaning and not decoding the utterances (CCCC 9). Hence, the adoption by National Council of Teachers of English in 1974, on the Students Right to Their Own Language, was relevant (NCTE Web). To achieve

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Question answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Question answer - Essay Example These two aspects can be looked at in the case of a business that is open to recruiting both locally and internationally for a required skills set. Should the company have a locally based project that is set for a short term period; it can consider recruiting internationally where expectations are on the labour force being more skilled and thus more profitable to the locally based jobs. The recruitment strategy in this case will consider the mobility of the international workforce. For a longer term locally based job, a more practical recruitment strategy would consider hiring locally and training staffs to the required higher standards so as to compensate for not recruiting internationally for the higher paid staffs. There however would be some costs for the company in terms of training costs for locally recruited staffs. On the other hand, should the business be looking at long term international expansion to an overseas location where still, the same high skills set are required, an appropriate recruitment strategy should be one that considers workforce in the foreign country where the new business location is. In this instance the recruitment strategy chosen must be in consideration of the mobility of the company’s operations. ... These among other variables that influence a recruitment strategy must most importantly be within the recruitment budget set aside for any company, be it locally or internationally based. Each organization is different, and where one recruitment strategy may work it may not produce the same positive outcomes for another organization. Nonetheless, a good recruitment strategy, however different it may be must clearly outline the resources, budget, timing, and availability of skills for vacancies in an organization. The implications of a recruitment strategy that has all these components can vary depending on the extent to which each component has been assessed as per the unique organization requirements both in the short-term and in the long-term. Business strategies in organisations are most importantly widened in the scope of the long-term goals and objectives thus the recruitment strategies used must also be set for the long-term. The recruitment budget should cover any forecasted r ecruiting costs for good employees. The budget basically determines how recruitment will be done say, if a head-hunter firm will be used or if recruitment will be done by internally appointed recruitment teams. The timing component of a good recruitment strategy should be set such that new skills are sought proactively rather than reactively. Where the proactive approach is used more time, at an advantage to an organisation, is put towards searching for the best candidates for a job. More sources of new skills can also be utilised in a proactive recruitment strategy. This approach; whilst working to meet expansion and new staffing needs for an organisation can also easily cater to abrupt and reactive staffing needs as a result of unexpected

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Collaborative Knowledge Management Tools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Collaborative Knowledge Management Tools - Essay Example For instance, a construction project management faced with an increasing case of problems and pressure such as costs, quantity, quality, labor among others, need proper project and design managers who would be analyzing large number of data when making crucial decision. It also focusses on integration, creation and dispersals of knowledge into the concerned society, where solution created is put forward by these collaborative techniques arising from proper management of technical knowhow or rather creativity (Dean, et al., 2010). Inter-connected problems which come from creative collaborative knowledge processes are captured and shared in such a way that they are managed sufficiently to achieve the desired aims and objectives. This means generally that whatever the objective of an operational firm, clinic or project, proper management of their used skills in a collaborative manner is no doubt necessary to ensure these objectives are achieved optimally (Antonino & Ronaldo, 2010). The management of a firm should embrace collaborative knowledge management tools in all levels of administration. This ensures that time and cost of decision making within the firm is saved and thus increases its profitability. It also enables easy flow of communication and skills among employees which results to improved productivity and work

Friday, October 4, 2019

Enterprise, weekly blogs and Portfolio Coursework

Enterprise, weekly blogs and Portfolio - Coursework Example There are major benefits and value levels associated with implementing Enterprise 2.0. For example, the implementation of Enterprise 2.0 enhances the reputation of a company. Coca-Cola Company implements Enterprise 2.0 through the Coca-Cola fan page. This enhances the reputation of the company by allowing Coca-Cola fans to create and maintain content, which presents Coca-Cola as an attractive company. Moreover, the Coca-Cola fan page manifests how the company adopts new web technologies, which improve the company’s reputation. The fan page equally increases the company’s visibility in the market. Through the fan page, the company can establish and address various customer needs. The implementation of Enterprise 2.0 relates to specific functional areas. Indeed, the implementation of Enterprise 2.0 through the Coca-Cola fan page enhances product development and customer service across the enterprise. Indeed, through the Coca-Cola fan page, the consumers help in product development by giving their views and comments on various company brands. The company can draw the consumer’s response to various products by following their views and comments on the fan page. This will help the company to develop products that address consumer’s needs in diverse locations. The Coca-Cola fan page is a significant medium that fosters customer service in the company. Moreover, the company can access customer response and feedback on the fan page. By addressing these views and comments, Coca-Cola fosters customer service.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Languages in Cyberspace Essay Example for Free

Languages in Cyberspace Essay Governments have encourage industrial farming and non-organic meat production to improve the crop yield and revenues. However, studies have shown the side effects and health hazards of industrial farming and meat processing. A distinct cultivation of a health-conscious culture became apparent as time goes by which resulted to an increase in sales of organic vegetables and meat in the world. Hence, the sales and marketing of organic products is influenced by the culture or trend that exist in the market. Muslims are known for faithfully abiding with their religious beliefs and practices. When it comes in meat, Muslims only consume meat from slaughtered animals through the Halal way. Three times more blood is pumped out of Halal-slaughtered animals than those butchered in non-Halal way. Hence, lesser toxins are consumed by Muslims since most toxins are stored in the blood. With the introduction of organic aspect, an animal is not pumped with antibiotics and hormones or additives that would increase the toxicity its blood. Hence, Muslims are drawn to organic meat because of its inclination towards their religious belief in meat intake thereby creating an outward effect to the sales and marketing of organic meat. Language is a way of communication of thoughts, messages and feelings. In the global market, one barrier that must crossed by companies to reach out to their market is language. Without the right tools and strategies to cross this barrier, marketing a product will be difficult. A Firm must find a way to communicate and introduce a product in a language known by its market, otherwise, awareness and recognition of the product will not be achieved. This does not apply in the organic meat industry alone but to all industries and businesses. Marketing have evolved with technology through the years and e-commerce was introduced and adopted by most businesses. The worldwide web has a broader scope and the interaction with the customer is direct. In marketing organic meat products, e-commerce is the best way to reach out to its customers directly. It is also the cheapest way to market and promote a product. Longcloud should develop its website in languages other than English to cross the communication barrier that language created. If Longcloud develops a website with different languages, the scope of its accessibility and comprehension will be broader and more comprehensive. It will open the gates for the development of new markets in different countries. Moreover, with this strategic undertaking, the company will be globally competitive and accessible. The power of information technology can promote and increase the sales and distribution of organic meat worldwide. In choosing the languages to translate and include in the website, there are several aspects to consider and these are the opportunities, scope and target market definition. The companys website must be available in Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), French and Spanish languages. Most Muslims speak Arabic and it was clearly identified that Muslims are one Longclouds target markets and about 150 million people speak this language. Chinese, specifically, Mandarin language should also be available to reach 1365 million people who have developed a fondness for organic meat products. Moreover, the growth of the organic meat industry in French-speaking countries like France, Canada, North Africa and Switzerland should also be considered. 23% of the current Internet users are from Europe which include some of these countries. Although only 2% can be accounted for the Spanish-speaking Internet users, a considerable target market was defined and identified in the Latin America. There several threats and disadvantages that must also be considered in making the website available in different languages like the uneven percentages of the target market with Internet access. However, with the growth of technology, many countries have relied in the use of Internet and it has become a household need. Moreover, although some people are accustomed to using English for conducting business, it must also be noted that, English literacy only accounts for about 50% share globally. Software complexities must also be considered, however, software upgrades and development are done continuously to address these problems.

Comparison Between English and Chinese Language

Comparison Between English and Chinese Language Language is a combination of human-beings history and culture, containing various aspects of social characteristics such as : national consciousness, historical culture, customs etc. And language serves as dress of thought, thoughts are always expressed by words, without thinking, words and language would be meaningless. Meanwhile, the different cultural background and cultural tradition make Chinese and Western in a different pattern of thinking. Vocabulary is the most basic and important materials of building language. So cultural diversity incarnate vocabulary as the most outstanding part. Most of the words do not have a literary meaning, but with a implied meaning, symbol meaning, figurative meaning and connotation meaning, and also endow a word with emotion color. Since ancient times, animals are closely related to human activities. Myths, fairy tales are often related to all kinds of animals in both western country and eastern country. In these literary works, animals are often endowed with human qualities and characteristics. Due to the different culture, the connotative meaning of these vocabulary is generally different. This article, from the angle of linguistic and lexicology side, compare and analysis the animal vocabulary in English and Chinese, in order to reveal the similarities and differences between Western and Chinese culture. Key words: Animal vocabulary, culture, connotation I. Absolute equivalents between English and Chinese. What I called absolute equivalents is not only means the same basic or denotative meaning but also the roughly same cultural connotation and this is called culturaloverlaps. For example: wolf, an wild animal looks like a big dog. In English , wolf often used to describe a pervert man. We have the same meaning in Chinese. They both developed with the greedy characteristics of wolf .Lamb in English refers to a gentle, meek person, also Chinese have the same feeling when they say this world. Take another world fox, we often see as cunning as a fox, in Chinese, fox has also the same meaning of cunning, refers to a wily people. Similarly: as cheerful as a lark; as busy as bee; as fat as a pig; as dull as an ass. All of these animal words express the same meaning no matter in Chinese or English. It reflect the common of the two cultures. People of different culture are living in the same earth. For most of them, the natural environment and some living conditions are similar, so there are a lot of words have the same meaning. These shows the similary of culture. II. Partial equivalents between English and Chinese Vocabulary between Chinese and English which have the different literary meaning, but can express the same connotation meaning, I called it partial equivalents vocabulary. That is to say, two different anima word share a same culture connotation. Eg: cattle(ox) ,plays an important role in Chinese life, cattle, the basis of farm work, plough in the form land and dedicate beaf, milk, people raise them, use them, like them, and respect them. So Chinese people often say as strong as ox to describe a man with strength, but in English we want to express the same meaning, we have to use as strong as a horse. It originated in eastern and western ancient farming methods. British us horses to cultivate land in early times. So they use horse to share the same meaning while Chinese uses cattle. Lion has a rich cultural connotation in English, the image of a lion is brave, imposing manner and majesty. And it is called the king of beasts, so there is alionheart (warriors), majesticasalion (as gr and as a lion), alterarylion (literary celebrity) sayings. The British treat the lion as their symbol of the nation, The British lion which refers to the British. In the culture of the Chinese nation, the lion had not that much connotation, instead, the similar association is tiger . In the national opinion, the tiger is the king of beasts, it refers to prowess, majesty. In Chinese, the tiger replaced the lions position. Similarly, English use a black sheep while Chinese use horse to describe a timid defenseless simpleton who is readily preyed upon; as timid as a rabbit (mouse instead in Chinese) to express a person who is timorous. These kind of vocabulary reflects the difference between Chinese and Western culture. English and Chinese people created synonyms according to their own experiences, but each pair of synonyms were used different animal words, this is mainly due to differences such as mode of production, thinking habits and customs, etc between English and Chinese .Based on the same concept, they have different association, so they use different metaphors to refer to these words. III. Conflict vocabulary between English and Chinese Conflict vocabulary means the English and Chinese language share the same basic meaning, but the cultural connotation is different, even opposite praise or blame meaning of animal words in the two kinds of culture. The association of people would be totally different sometimes. Dragon has rich cultural meanings in Chinese. It symbolizes the Chinese nation. For Chinese people, a dragon is something sacred and has been referred to as the ancestor of the Chinese nation-that is why Chinese call themselves the descendents of dragon. In ancient time, people thought dragon is a mythical animal with great power. It symbolized the king in feudal society. so the king were called sons of dragons. Also parent would like their children to be like dragon, they often name their children with dragon because they hope their children can amount to something when grew up. So Chinese people are very respect to dragon .But in western culture, people think that dragon is an large animal that has wings and a long tail and can breathe fire. So they think dragon is a very dangerious and winged monster that will kills and eats people. In English, dragon symbolize evil or a woman who is fierce, unpleasant or has bad temper. Similarly, dog, phoenix and so many other animal words have totally different connotation in English and Chinese . so these kinds of words make a big trouble for English learners or Chinese learners. In conclusion, animal vocabulary in English and Chinese language have similar meaning but more different culture connotation .While the development of culture in Chinese and English, the vocabulary developed as well. The differences in culture connotation varies from many aspects of culture such as religion, customs, living habits, stories. So culture acts a very important role in animal vocabulary. When we learn a foreign vocabulary, do not only know its literary meaning, but find the relations and difference between the mother language and foreign one, and pay much attention to the culture background and culture connotation.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Liability of Tobacco Makers Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essa

The Liability of Tobacco Makers Cigarettes have an affect on almost everyone, even if a person does not smoke. A man name Charles Green was affected by cigarettes, even though he never smoked a cigarette in his life. Green is 39 years old, and he used to be a very athletic person. That is, until he began working for a company full of smokers. Green worked behind a desk in an office building where everyone around him smoked. He was shoved in a little cubicle where smoke was thick in the air from his coworkers. After a time, Charles needed medication to help control his asthma from all of the smoke in his lungs. When he began to complain about the smoke, he was told to â€Å"Live with it.† When Charles decided to sue the company and the tobacco industry, he was awarded $60,000 for worker’s compensation. Green was not the only worker to sue tobacco companies, and he will not be the last (We’re Fighting). Is it right that people are allowed to put tobacco companies at fault for illness due to smoking? Each year there are hundreds of court cases in the United States against tobacco companies just like Charles Green’s case. Long term smokers and nonsmokers like Green are suing large tobacco companies for injuries from smoking. They feel that tobacco companies should be punished for making a product that millions of people use everyday. Although studies show that smoking cigarettes may cause cancer, tobacco companies claim that there is not a direct link. If the tobacco companies start losing the court cases, the price of cigarettes will increase. This increase is designed to keep people from buying cigarettes because of the high prices (Olsson). Even though tobacco companies have only lost one case, the link between smoking c... ...ere are also warning labels on every product with tobacco in it that is sold in the United States. Although there has only been one case where a tobacco company has ended up paying a settlement, I feel that as more people get cancer, more people will find new ways to sue. Works Cited â€Å"Highlights of the Tobacco Settlement.† 26 June 1997. Facts on File: World News Digest. 30 October 2004 . Olsson, Johan. â€Å"Product Liability in the Tobacco Industry. A Contemporary Issue.† 29 April 1994. Times Square. 2 November 2004 . â€Å"Tobacco Litigation Documents.† 27 September 2004. Galen: Digital Library of UCSF. 29 October 2004 . â€Å"We’re Fighting Big Tobacco.† 2000. JEL Iowa. 30 October 2004 .

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Ideas De Tolstoi Vs. Camus :: essays research papers

Las experiencias son sin duda el factor mà ¡s determinante en la forma en las que el autor escribe, sin incluir por supuesto el estado de à ¡nimo en el que el autor se encuentre cuando escribe sin importar, el gà ©nero. Es frecuente leer un libro de una manera superficial porque se piensa que asà ­ esta escrita y luego encontrar biografà ­as e historias del autor y encontrar que no es coherente su manera de escribir y el tema en el cual circula la trama. Despuà ©s de volver a leer el libro te das cuenta que el libro estaba lleno de simbolismos, metà ¡foras formadas por toda una situacià ³n, y muchas otras sorpresas que no te imaginas al leerlo superficialmente. (Esto me sucedià ³ con Sidney Sheldon con un libro llamado â€Å"Morning, Noon & Night†). Es en ese punto en donde quiero enfocar este ensayo. Las diferencias que tienen las vidas de Tolstoi y la de Camus. Esa diferencia que se multiplica al escribir. Tolstoi que por un lado vivià ³ teniendo todo lo material y que se le pintaba una vida fà ¡cil y econà ³micamente holgada mientras que a Camus con su infancia y juventud llena de obstà ¡culos que afortunadamente logra sobrepasar. Pero en medio de todas esas diferencias existe una gran similitud en cuanto a la relacià ³n que existe entre sus vidas y los temas que escogen. El tema claramente no es el mismo, pero su forma de vida y su forma de escribir toman un rumbo igual en ambos autores. Si nos ponemos a relacionar el tema de â€Å"Metamorfosis† y la vida de Camus encontraremos que Gregorio es lo opuesto a Camus. En el libro, Gregorio es la apatà ­a total la falta de interà ©s por cualquier cosa, en cambio la vida de Camus es admirable, llena de logros y obstà ¡culos sobrepasados, enfermedades que a cualquier persona le pondrà ­a un alto y que a Camus no le impidieron seguir con su vida. Sucede igual con Tolstoi y â€Å"Ana Karenina†. Tolstoi que vive sin tener que preocuparse por el dinero ni por ningà ºn bien material habla y critica lo que mas le repugna de una clase que vio de cerca: la falsedad social y moral. Y es lo opuesto la soltura econà ³mica si lo vemos de la siguiente manera. Es cada vez mas comà ºn encontrar esa hipocresà ­a en la gente mientras nos ubicamos en un sector socioeconà ³mico mas elevado. Otra cosa que me ha llamado la atencià ³n y que me ha hecho ponerme a pensar es la cuestià ³n que se refiere al hecho de que un autor exprese todas esas tramas que de algà ºn modo se le relacionan.

Understanding Child and Young Person Development

Unit title: Understand child and young person development Unit number: CYP Core 3 Question 4 4. 1 Analyse the importance of early identification of speech, language and communication delays and disorders and the potential risks of late recognition. It is essential that speech, language and communication delays and disorders are noticed early so the relevant interventions can be used to support the child or young person. Answer the questions below. 1. How can observation be used to identify speech, language and communication delays? 2. What should you do if you have concerns about a child’s development of speech, language and communication skills? 3. What would be the risks if these delays were not identified? Use your answers to help you analyse the importance of early identification of speech, language and communication delays and disorders and the potential risks in late recognition. The early years are a time for rapid learning and development in a child’s life. Language is very important to learning since it helps the child to store information in an organized way and to express the child’s thoughts. If a child has difficulty in communicating with others due to a speech and language delay or disorder the child will be at a disadvantage. The child will have many problems. The child may fail to understand instructions given by the adult and this may be interpreted as misbehaviour. For example the child has been instructed to put away the task and line up to go for the music lesson to another room at school. However the child has not understood what has to be done because of his inability to process the information. Instead the child goes and has a drink of water and takes out his lunch box. Teaching in schools is usually done through verbal description and instruction. The adult presents learning situations with the use of language or speech. Failure to understand means the child will be unable to store or use information provided. For example the child has to play a board game with three other children and so has to follow specific instructions shown by the adult according to the rules of the game. A child with language delay has limited resources for demonstrating knowledge and explaining their reasoning. For example the child wants to explain to the teacher the properties of a three dimension solid but finds it difficult to do so because of language delay. Oral language serves as a precursor to literary skills. For example the child first has to be a good communicator and then uses this skill to interact with others. Then the child uses vocabulary to understand and experience stories, songs, poems and rhymes. The child begins to enjoy reading and writing. Language ability is central to the ability to establish friendship with other children. The child has to be able to communicate and talk to his peers and form social relationships with them. For example the children use language to imagine at role play and develop social skills. There are a number of reasons why children experience difficulties and delays in speech, language and communication development. The causes may be due to ear infection where the child is unable to hear words or hear distorted sounds, or find it confusing and tiring to focus on verbal communication. The ear fluid may pose a problem for the child and sounds are muffled and not clear to the child’s hearing. The child may be experiencing specific difficulty in using their oral muscles effectively and this may affect speech. For example a child with cerebral palsy does not have much control over the mouth and the muscles around it and so cannot form the words properly. The child may say ‘b’ sound instead of ‘v’ and so the meaning of the word could be totally different-base for vase. Sometimes speech and language difficulties are passed down families. For example stammering or lisping. Problem’s during pregnancy and birth can also affect the child’s developing brain and contribute to speech and language difficulties as part of a wider developmental delay. For example a mother may experience bleeding of the placenta during pregnancy and this may affect the unborn child. The child born thus may be able to say certain sounds but not be able to speak clearly as the vocal chords may be affected or due to damage in the brain that controls language. There may be a recognised syndrome or disorder that causes language difficulty for the child and is not able to communicate with others. The child may have a lack of stimulation and support to provide the rich language experience necessary to develop speech, language and communication skills. For example at school, the setting may not have an enabling environment to stimulate the child’s different interests necessary for acquiring language. The books, music, songs and so on may not stimulate and interest the child. For most children there is no clear reason as to why there is a delay in the development of speech, language and communication skills. Therefore, an adult should never assume that the child’s speech, language and communication problems are due to hearing loss. It may be that the child is experiencing communicating difficulties that are unrelated to their hearing problems because the child may not have acquired the vocabulary necessary to express his thoughts and actions. It is important to observe the child carefully, closely and to listen to them in different situations to ensure that the teacher is clear about what their needs are, their strengths and difficulties. It is important to observe the child in a range of settings and in both structured and unstructured situations. For example the child can be observed in the classroom; playground or lunch hall and the assessor can identify the child’s needs and plan the next step for the child’s development in speech, language and communication skills. Some children who begin settings with an apparent delay in their skills quickly progress as the child experiences language rich activities. Other children who are shy take a while to develop confidence to speak and express themselves because the child may be shy or reserved by nature. The most reliable assessor will take into account the child’s views, parents’ knowledge of the child and observations from all professionals who are involved with the development of the child. Assessment should be a continuous process and over a period of time so that one can gather evidence to inform and enable appropriate and timely support and provision for the child. The assessor should never be tempted to â€Å"wait and see†. There is a â€Å"window of opportunity†: if a child’s speech, language and communication skills are similar to his peers by age 5 12years then the child is making good progress. If it is not, then the child needs support at an early stage over a period of 2 years so that the child can progress and be at the same level as his peers so it is always better to start now when the problem has been identified. The assessor will enquire about the child’s hearing and request a test if necessary. The assessor will check physiological factors affecting development like vision, cleft palate, motor difficulties. The assessor will show particular awareness and sensitivity to, the needs of a child learning English as an additional language. To encourage and develop the child’s speech, language and communication skills most effectively, the adult needs to position herself face to face as the adult plays and talks to the children. The adult needs to shift her gaze between the activity the child does and the child. For example when the child sees the face of the adult it allows the child to understand the facial expressions and the lip pattern help the child to understand words. The adult must make sure that the child is paying attention each time the adult talks to the child. For example at circle time the teacher must ensure that the child is facing her and not be distracted. The child must be able to concentrate and not play with a piece of string found on the mat. The adult must keep language simple and avoid long and complicated sentences when talking and giving instructions to the child. Long winded sentences confuse and distract the child and the child may not be able to follow. At group time the adult must make sure that the child is seeing the adult’s face. This will help the child to understand emotions and facial expressions when the child is being read a story. The adult must use gestures since this will help and encourage the child to become good communicators. Learning to listen and speak emerges out of non-verbal communication like eye contact, facial expressions and hand gestures. The adult must ensure that there is no background noise that will affect the ability of the child to hear what the adult is saying. If there is noise the child will distracted and lose interest in the lesson. The adult should have knowledge of the child’s use of a dummy at home and should discourage parents to use it because problems arise in speech and the child may not be able to speak and pronounce words clearly. Sucking habits impede progress in speech, language and communication skills since the child interacts less socially with his peers and people around the child. The movement of the tongue is restricted and the child does not talk as much if the child did not have the dummy in the mouth. The dummy should be given to the child at bedtime or when really required and not to keep the child quiet. The adult should talk at a natural pace. If the adult speaks too fast the child will not understand what is being spoken. If the adult speaks very slowly the child loses interest and attention gets diverted since the child has a short attention span. If a child is shouted at and given commands then the child’s speech gets hampered. Shouting, by the child is viewed as unpleasant and jarring to the ear and the lip pattern gets distorted. The child may develop a fear and become withdrawn and afraid in the adult’s presence. If an adult in the school setting is concerned about the speech, language and communication skills of a child then the adult must discuss it with the parents. The adult can approach the parents in a sensitive manner and say the child has a problem with these particular speech sounds and not say that they cannot understand what the child says. With permission the school can seek specialist help so that the child’s needs can be supported appropriately at the right time and right age keeping all the other factors that help towards the building of good speech, language and communication skills. If the child has a delay in speech development, the child will not understand language spoken to them. The child will develop a range of sound speech inappropriate for their age. The child will not develop use of words and sentences appropriate to their age. The child may use language inappropriately. For example saying phrases that do not make sense in context or repeating chunks of language without any meaning. The child may find it unusually difficult to follow rules or join in conversation by looking, taking turns, sharing, interest in a subject and so on. The child may show frustration and be upset and may withdraw from conversation due to non-fluency in language. Sometimes the parents are very anxious about the child’s speech and then this reflects on the child’s behaviour and development. If an adult observes that the child is non-fluent that continues more than 6 months then the adult have to take serious action and appropriate measures should be adopted because it has been seen that with extra support, the child makes good progress. Speech, language and communication difficulties are common among children. Early identification therefore prevents difficulties later on especially in talking, listening, literacy and making friends.